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This is the beautytab's heart for the director.

  • Our store app

  • Reservation

  • Order Details

  • Earn points

  • Notification

  • Preferences
    by industry

  • Personalized

  • Subscription /

  • Sales statistics

  • Manual video

  • Designer

Dear Valued Beauty Director

Easy store management with our store app

Turn first-time visitors into regulars,
and regular customers to come back more often!
Make appointments with our unique app.

Easy store management with our store app

You can easily manage the store
with mobile apps and tablets as well as PC versions!
Manage your customers with just one app, make reservations,
and feel the convenience of the beauty tab!

Easy store management with our store app

No matter how many people use it, each store is free!
Designers can be registered and managed according to the situation!
You can freely manage it according to the store situation!

Mobile reservation management service anytime, anywhere

Manage everything from reservations to holidays and schedules at a glance!
Easy booking directly from your calendar!
Notifications/sounds for customer reservations through the store app
through the store app, so you won't miss it!


Mobile reservation management service anytime, anywhere

From simple to detailed booking!
Convenient UI that can be understood at a glance,
and booking through the BeautyTab app!


Mobile reservation management service anytime, anywhere

Manage treatments for each customer with the treatment chart~
Manage subscription / refund tickets more easily,
and easy to find treatment history!
Make your customers feel more welcome with notes!


Beauty Tab's Singular Point

Human Network rewards
When your friends get prettier
Your friend of friend

You get points too!


So you don't miss a single customerNotification Service

Notification service for both customer and store
In-app pushes are sent for free
when a customer confirms an appointment, cancels an appointment, or completes a procedure in-app push for free


So you don't miss a single customerNotification Service

Use texting to send
announcements/events to your customers!
You can also use automated texts
for appointments and post-procedure care.


So you don't miss a single customerNotification Service

Including announcements and events
You can easily use Kakao notification talk.
There are notification talk templates for various situations!


At a glanceSales statistics and Settlement

It's easier to manage sales easier,
Help me manage it on my own!
At a glance, you can see the sales management
that helps you run your store!


At a glanceSales statistics and Settlement

'How do we apply incentives?'
Don't worry~
The sales of designers working in the store
You can manage the settlement history at once.


Beautifully priced BeautyTab plans!

  • One-Month Pass
    18,000 won ~
    Monthly payment
    1 month, 3 months, 12 months
    If you pay in advance,
    you'll get a discount!

  • Text
    17won ~
    Notification Talk
    15 won ~

Download the BeautyTab
Right Now!

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